Thursday, 12 January 2012

Day 6 - The Happiness Project

Up to date again! This is pretty good for me, normally I fall way behind, and not just by one day! Here's what made me smile today -

  1. Today I made the move back to "my" team (well, the other part of my team, sadly not back to the team I used to sit with). Everyone was really friendly and helpful, not minding when I kept bothering them with questions! I feel a lot more confident about what I'm doing now that I have people who are readily available to help.
  2. Getting to spend my dinner hour with my hubby, who informed me that the cookies were very tasty.
  3. The most spectacular sunset I have ever seen. Honestly, it was stunning. Sadly I couldn't take a photo as I was at work at the time. But it was so lovely that someone opened the blinds properly so we could all see it, and you could hear a gasp ripple around the office. Magical.
  4. Bopping away on the way home to my new Steps CD! Had to keep my toes from tapping and couldn't dance though. It was terrible. Some might even say it was a...Tragedy!
  5. Getting to spend my evening backstage at a prom show helping out with all the pretty dresses. It was a lot of fun :) I'd love to own my own bridal boutique one day, so I jump at the chance to do things like that!
  6. Being told I could have a free beauty treatment in return for my assistance. I was really touched - I just helped for the sake of helping!
  7. Getting to taste the cookies I made yesterday, and I can confirm - they're pretty damn tasty :)
Hope you're all having a good night :)

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