Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Day 4 - The Happiness Project

Good evening and welcome to the next installment of The Happiness Project! Ah yes, I'm a budding presenter in the making :)

Things that made me smile today -

  1. Mostly understanding the new stuff I'm doing at work, a big relief I must say!
  2. Feeling like people actually miss me now that I've had to move to a different area in the building. I'm quite shy and struggle with a low self-esteem, so it's been a huge confidence boost for people to have so much faith in me, and for so many people to seem like they miss having me around.
  3. Getting to spend another lovely lunch break with my darling husband, who may or may not buy me an iced finger tomorrow!
  4. The long hot shower I'm about to go and have. I haven't even had it yet and I already feel happier and more human just at the thought!
  5. I got my test results back today and have been prescribed a dose of antibiotics which will hopefully make me feel a lot better. I also got my blood test results back, and they're all good, so there's no underlying issues which is a relief!
  6. I posted a daft little poem onto the facebook group for the Creative Writing course I'm doing through the OU and it's had pretty good feedback. Another big boost for my confidence! Yay me!
  7. We've just been given a definite date when our assignment marks will be back, which means that I can stop worrying about it until then. Well, I can try to!

Hope everyone is having a good day, I'd love to hear what made you smile :)

All the best!

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