Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Peppermint Creams - Update

Well they've been left under a towel all night, only occasionally being uncovered by my boyfriend's sister who was very curious about what it was! She'd never heard of peppermint creams, she wanted to know would I "bake it once it's risen". Um...no...but good guess :)

It's not quite hardened all the way, I may need to leave it a while longer. Or just eat it now, either's good! I'm not quite sure how best to store it, as it's currently one great big, thin blob, so chopping it into pieces might not go as well as I'd hoped. I can try, and if I fail...I'll just eat it!

I've tried some and it's pretty tasty! I managed to make it not quite so minty, it really was too overpowering to start with! Next time I should put the peppermint on a SPOON first, not straight into the mixture...!!

It could have done with being thicker, but then it could have also done with being in individual pieces!! :) I know my boyfriend isn't huge on minty things, I'm not sure what his sister's view is, so it's not a big deal that it looks like a crepe (again, the sister's words!).

I'll get there on making my food pretty, I think the important place to start is making it EDIBLE!

So I'm going to call it a - SUCCESS!

(NOTE : Ok I just tried to cut it into pieces and put it into a little box, turns out the reason why you should MAKE it in pieces is because it's practically impossible to do so later! And it means it when it says leave it in a COOL place, they don't really have someplace like that here so it's not hardened properly. But...still tasty!)

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