Saturday, 20 November 2010

Dairy Products

This isn't a comparison between the USA and the UK, simply a mini-rant! Well, maybe not a rant...just...I don't know what you'd call it lol

Though I have to say, the milk tastes different here, as does the cereal, what's up with that?!

Anyway, as I said in my last post, I'm recovering from a stomach bug. I started with a monster of a headache that just wouldn't shift and feeling nauseous, both dissipated towards the end of the day (except when my Boyfriend's Mom used our oven to cook something, sadly that DID bring the nausea back!). So all that day I barely ate, all the next day I wasn't much improved. I managed half of my lunch (bolognaise) before I had to stop. So by the third day I was pretty hungry!! I felt considerably better, I didn't eat any breakfast but I slept in so I started straight in on lunch (bolognaise again!). I managed to eat the whole thing - yaay! That was a pretty big lunch though, and since I hadn't eaten much for a couple of days my appetite was fairly small. So my bolognaise covered me for most of the day other than little snacks!

As it nearly got to bedtime though, I started to feel unwell because I HADN'T eaten. So I ate some crisps ("chips"), but ran out before I had eaten enough. So I decided to have a bowl of cereal. Biiiig mistake.

This is a mistake that gets me EVERY time I'm sick. I know to avoid dairy products while I'm unwell, but then I start to feel better and I think I can have something dairy based. Usually a cheese sandwich! This NEVER ends well!! I don't know why, but cheese and milk always make me feel a lot worse when I'm poorly. So I spent the last couple of hours of my day curled up on the sofa feeling sick, and worst of all...the headache came back. So I crawled off to bed feeling pretty sorry for myself!!

I woke up this morning feeling no longer sick but still with a bit of a headache. It seems to have gone now's hoping! But I can assure you of one thing...I'm not having cereal for breakfast!!

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