Sunday, 20 February 2011

Road Trip!

I'm pretty sure my readers, if I have any, are all people I know, so you all know that I eloped! This elopement meant we had a 6 and a half hour car journey (a lifetime to me!). I had a lot of fun packing up snacks for our road trip, totally over doing it and therefore having snacks for while we were away too.

I packed crisps ("chips"), loooots of crisps, fruit, drinks, some other stuff I'm sure...

And then I noticed that I had left over baking stuff that I hadn't used yet, and my husband (oh I love writing that!)'s sister wouldn't use them. What better snacks for a journey than baked goods?! The main things I had to use up was pre-made pastry and chocolate chips. So I decided on Jam Buns and Chocolate Chip Cookies. Both had gone fairly successfully the time before, and were pretty simple so they seemed like the perfect things to bake on my last couple of days.

First I made the cookies; these didn't turn out as well as my last ones. I think I left them in the oven too long, but I find it hard to tell when they're done, so I just left them til I was sure :P They were preeeetty crunchy! I think I only ate one, but my husband will eat anything and he took care of them over the week we were away. So I learnt from this...don't cook them so long!

The jam buns I made the next day, we had to go to the store and get some jam ("jelly") first. We got seedless strawberry again, that shop didn't have any "mixed fruit" jams. These went MUCH better than my last ones, I have no idea what I did differently, but I thought they were a lot tastier. I put quite a lot of bun mix on top, a fair spoons-worth of jam inside (nearly used up the whole jar! But it was only a small jar), and they were looovely :) I didn't quite seal the edges properly or something, so some jam escaped and sometimes fell apart while eating. Could be the pastry was too thin or something, I have noooo idea! We ate them up pretty quick, I had about 3 just in the car!! I ate the last one while we were away, then a little later that day my husband said "I'm going to have the ate it!! You had the last jam bun!!" He wasn't pleased :P But I decided that I made them, so it was my right to finish them :P

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