Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Good Days and Bad Days!

Everyone has them, I think it's something to do with karma. I've noticed it when my boyfriend plays on his playstation. He'll have an AMAZING round playing online shoot-em-up's, typically when there's a mouthy little soul who thinks he's awesome in every way, then his next 3 rounds or so will just be...TERRIBLE! This has happened on multiple occasions, and my conclusion is pure and simple - KARMA.

I've also noticed it in the kitchen. I have days where I manage to make an entire Thanksgiving Dinner, almost totally without assistance...and days where I can't even make SOUP. The latter was my day yesterday!! We'd eaten before Karate, so we were just having a light dinner. My boyfriend wanted soup, I wanted honey on toast. Super simple right? It was one of those soups where you add a canful of milk to it (I've never seen those in the UK?), I managed to spill some milk while I was pouring it into the pan (no idea how I did that, I think it bounced back out?!?!). Then as I was buttering my toast, I literally turned away for a minute, the soup boiled over! I didn't think I had it on that hot! So that made a HUGE mess on the stove, as it went all over the burner (glass top stove so it's flat at least) and instantly burnt on. Cue a frustrated string of swear words :P

Then this morning, I took the frying pan out of the dishwasher, it seemed dry on the bottom so I started cooking my Boyfriend's breakfast. As I was serving it up...I found that it must have been damp or SOMETHING on the bottom, as now THAT whole burner was a mess! ARGH! I left a note for his Sister saying I was very sorry for the big mess I'd made of the stove, I'd fix it when it cooled down!!

I'm not doing very well in the mornings at the moment. One morning I started the coffee pot without putting any coffee in, another morning his whole sandwich fell apart as I tried to put it into the sandwich bag...I don't remember what else I've managed to do, but obviously I don't cope with mornings very well!! Or with rushing, the second I feel hurried and try and speed up a little, I turn into a massive klutz and honestly into a danger to myself :P I've almost sliced my finger with a knife, I've made a whole toasted sandwich fall apart...twice (same sandwich!), I've dropped things...I'm just a disaster :P

So I'm hoping that karma will balance itself back out soon, before I do some serious damage to myself...or my selfesteem :P

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